Artist Statement: Flags and maps are models. Lines drawn across pictures of the world are here refigured as ad-hoc banners and standards to be raised by post-peak castaways. Each unfurled banner might signal a repeated hope for our viral moment … a utopian dream. Or a dystopian nightmare? Maybe we are all prospective migrants. The lines of national borders on maps are artificial constructs, as unnatural to us as they are to birds flying overhead .1 Maps, domes, and the streaming garland stars of fading borders & nations of passport stand in for stories and dreams, but now find themselves encircled by rising tides and viral beachheads… anxious projections of Global Weirding…In this world… ultra authoritarianism and Capital are by no means incompatible: internment camps and franchise coffee bars co-exist.2 This way to utopia?
1We are all Refugees: A conversation with Mohsin Hamid, The Nation Oct 30, 2017 2 Mark Fisher, Coffee Bars and Internment CampsK-Punk Jan 26, 2007.