Artist Statement: 我將是次作品視為一個回憶盒,珍藏着我在香港的成長點滴。 在美國生活已有十多年,我對香港的記憶也逐漸變得模糊。而藝術靈感,往往源自生活日常。一切創作起點,出自於在香港的家人朋友以及我自己所拍攝的照片。 照片中圖案,風格各異,其主題圍繞着家居和日常用品。當一幅幅圖案拼湊在一起時,就構成了一幅色彩斑斕,像桌上遊戲一樣的作品。 I consider my work a kind of souvenir box, containing precious memories of my upbringing in Hong Kong. Having lived in America for more than a decade, my recollection of growing up in Hong Kong has become blurrier. My paintings are directly inspired by photographs of my hometown that I have taken or collected from friends and family. Influenced by my background in graphic design and architecture, I organize these photographs that appear in homes and product designs. When combined, these patterns form the basis of polychromatic game board-like paintings.