Chloe Harrison "Silently Loud" August 15 - August 22, 2020
"I make illustrations and sculptures that present a surreal world made of landscapes and environments that mirror my personal emotional and self realization. Birds and animals are the main characters of my narratives because of their instinctual freedom that I wish I had. Naturally they do many of the things that I can't do. I never leave my comfort zone, unlike a fledgling who is pushed out of the nest, with no choice but to fly. I find a visual escape through my art. They both comfort and propel me out of my nest and outside of everyday routine. The characters of my work engage in themes of loneliness, courage vs cowardice, and reassurance. Like singing in a dawn chorus, my art speaks louder and with more confidence than my own voice, creating an opportunistic doorway where I can wander through the ups and downs of communicating with others."
Chloe Harrison is an artist based in Albany, NY where she is currently earning a BFA in Arts + Extended Media at the Russell Sage Colleges. Her work has been featured in many local exhibits, including the Ignite Volunteer Moveable Murals Project and the 120 ° Intercollegiate Regional Exhibition, and in 2019 she won the Usher Fine Arts Award. Harrison's work consists of sculpture as well as 2D illustration, both digital and traditional. Her passion for art began in 2012 with a Nintendo DSI game called Flipnote Studios where she first realized art was something she could use to express herself. Chloe now uses her art to illustrate a world that explores her thoughts, emotions, and anxieties. Being a very shy and socially anxious kid, these parts of the past are something still lingering as an adult getting in the way of feeling comfortable and using her voice. To Chloe, her art is louder than her voice. She uses it to create a bridge where she can reach out and communicate with others.